Another Manufacturer
Barre, Oct. 3 - Another member of the Barre Granite Manufacturers Association succumbed to the Grip early today, when Frank Natale Vanetti of 16 Central Street died at 7 o'clock. His illness had convined him less than a week. Mr. Vanetti's two sons are seriously ill of this malady but his daughter who is a City Hospital patient is recovering. The deceased was born in Casale Litta, Italy on April 30, 1868 and learned the Granite Stonecutters trade in Varese. He came to Barre in 1894 and was employed by Jones Brothers for six years, after he engaged in business under the firm name of Vanetti and Brusi. In 1909 the Vanetti Granite Company was organized and two years afterwards the company occupied it's present plant on West Second Street. Mr. Vanetti is survived by his wife; two daughters Mrs Frank Fraquelli and Miss Angie Vanetti; and by two sons Arthur and Alphonse Vanetti. Miss Angie Vanetti is recovering from the Malady. While devoting much of his time to his Granite interest, Mr. Vanetti continued as partner in the retail fruit firm of Fraquelli and Vanetti.
The newspaper known as The Barre Times is now known as The Times Argus.
Updated: Sunday, April 18, 2004 6:22 PM